Spending roughly as much time marketing your product as you do developing it is a good general rule of thumb. If you spent two days producing a blog article, spend the following two days distributing it to as many channels as possible. Your mobile application can benefit from the same idea. Months of development on mobile applications have to be followed by months of marketing.
The more you promote your application, the faster and smoother the process gets. We are aware that small businesses typically don’t have a lot of money to spend on advertising or special events. Even those with the means can discover that their work is only being promoted through a small number of outlets.
This in-depth article will teach you how to promote an app and advance your app marketing strategy. Let’s dig in.
Customer Research

Give your clients a unique discount or educational resources as a way to thank them for their business. Once you have their interest, probe them with a few questions to learn more about potential mobile application searches.
It’s important to comprehend what uses your program will fulfil for both present and future users. After completing this process, you will have effectively created a bridge between yourself and your clients and will start to see gaps you may not have noticed previously.
Recall that word-of-mouth referrals from your target audience spread like wildfire, so if you can persuade them, you’ll be striking all the proper chords to ensure your success and longevity. Every marketing campaign starts with a comprehensive investigation. By doing this, you can guarantee that the user experience is flawless.
Influencer Marketing

Building sincere, real, and profitable connections with influencers will greatly aid in the promotion of your mobile app. You can generate a ton of traffic to your smartphone by utilizing influencers’ power.
The secret to this tactic is to identify influencers that have the same values as your target market and user base. Most social media sites provide influencers with demographic data about their followers. Influencer-driven installations have a lower turnover rate. Before launching your app, you should hunt for bloggers to collaborate with and market it on in addition to social media.
Leverage Your Website

If you already have a fully working and mobile-friendly website, it can be one of your most valuable assets in advertising your mobile application. Anybody interested in your business or any of your clients will eventually make their way to your website. When they do, they must be all aware that you have an app.
Including your app on your website can require creating a separate area for the app. For example, the corner of the screen or the centre of the webpage. Web push notifications are even useful for promoting apps.
One of the greatest ways to promote your mobile app is to include it in a blog post, in addition to having it on your website. A call to action after each blog post encouraging readers to download the app is one way to do this, as is writing a whole blog article promoting your app.
Email Marketing

Every element of your marketing, including your emails, has to incorporate your new app. Sending out multiple emails as a business is inevitable, and missing the chance to include your app in each one is a lost opportunity.
Emails are still appealing when used properly. Exact Target conducted research that found that “91% of people check their email daily.” Make the most out of your app URLs by using them in email signatures customer support and newsletters.
A footer promoting your app should be included in every email you send out, be it from your tech support, newsletter, or even the email confirming your purchase. Include information on the app’s capabilities, as well as a link to the download page.
Create a teaser Video

Videos are a simple method to display all your stunning and well-designed software has to offer. For your sample video, make a basic 30-second ad that follows the concepts: Why, How, and What.
Once your sample video is complete, make sure to market your software on various platforms and social media channels.
SEO Always Matters

Your application’s URL appears in search results when users type in relevant searches. For instance, if they search for music applications, your app should appear in the first five items or so before they press Enter.
All you have to do is find the “best-targeted” and most appropriate keywords to rank for. To improve ranks, examine the keywords for which your app is now ranking and create some high-quality links in line with those findings.
App Store Optimization (ASO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) for the Google Play and App Store is the fundamental component of App Store optimization (ASO). Similar to search engine optimization, app store optimization emphasizes the importance of keywords, search relevancy, and description keyword density.
One of the most crucial aspects of your mobile app marketing strategy should be your app description, as almost half of US iPhone consumers discover apps via searches.
Create An Outstanding App Landing Page

Even without a mobile app, a strong landing page is essential for every business. Excellent landing pages are like having excellent business cards at all times—it’s important to have them on hand in case you need them.
The page can contain several connections, the two most visible of which are the App Store and Google Play Store buttons. They are larger than the social media sharing buttons, which makes them an excellent tool for encouraging website users to share the app. They also stand out as much as the photos that are directly to the right of them.
Existing Banners

To promote your website, create a modest, unobtrusive banner that appears in a region. You can also design a banner for your home page that will direct visitors to your app. If you’re currently promoting your app on social media and have a Facebook page, LinkedIn page, or Twitter profile, use that area to advertise your app by making banners for them. It will inform your followers on social media about the outstanding easy-to-use application.
It’s easy to use; it appears at the top of every page you create, and all you need to do is provide the most important details with a link to your app landing page or the App Store or Google Play Store. All you need is a straightforward banner that includes the name of your app and its location.
Be Featured On Websites That Review Mobile Apps

It will need you to submit a proposal to be listed on an app review website. It is your responsibility to persuade the website that the application is worthy of its evaluation and subsequent features. Several of these app review websites are searching for items like:
- Stunning high-quality visual designs
- Authentic and one-of-a-kind themes, content, tools, and artwork
- Reliable applications free from crashes, glitches, excessive loading times, or badly assembled material
Use Your Social Network

Even though social media is one of the main marketing platforms for most organizations, it is still incredibly underused. While a single message sent is fine, sending several over a month or two is preferable.
A typical Facebook page has postings seen by 16% of its followers. If you compose the same message four or five times and send it out once a week for five weeks, you will potentially reach 80% of your Facebook page’s audience.
A company’s introduction of a mobile application is a significant accomplishment that might have a variety of implications for its clientele. Repost the identical material with a new message to make sure people are understanding.
Run a Contest

Promoting your application doesn’t always need you to release it through every channel; sometimes it only means setting off a tiny spark that will lead your users to the finish line. Your app’s contest feature will encourage consumers to download it and utilize it throughout the contest.
Your mobile application can include a live scoreboard, so consumers can always see where they are in the positions. Create your contest with many options for consumers to advance: they can interact with your business, refer friends, or share the app. Additionally, clients have to be aware of the best times to check for updates.
Industry Forums

Using forums to promote your software and company is simple and cost-free. Like Facebook and other social media sites, the main focus is on interacting with the community. However, avoid signing up for social networks just to use them to advertise your app.
Use forums such as these to promote free mobile applications:
- Quora
- Industry-specific forums
These forums allow you to establish direct connections with your intended user base.
Industry Podcasts

Podcasts tailored to your sector are another great method to improve your content marketing approach. This is a fast approach to reach thousands of listeners with your app. A lot of podcast hosts are trying to find new podcasters. Thus, getting appearances on many shows shouldn’t be too tough.
It’s simple to find pertinent podcasts. Simply explore Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any other podcast-listening platform you use for personal use.
It’s not necessary to invest a lot of money in marketing your mobile application. Apps for smartphones that just use Apple search advertisements or other mobile app marketing techniques will not be successful in the long run. You need an ad-free method of obtaining organic downloads.
Do you think I overlooked anything important in this post? What is your covert tool for promoting apps? Let’s talk about it in more detail in the comments area.
Farah Jawed Khan
Content Writer | Digital Marketer
I have been doing content writing since 2019. I have covered a vast area of services and products like IT, Fashion, Law, Business Coaching, Automobile, and the list goes on.